Vendor Forum

August 27, 2024
Christian Beatty

Cyberattacks are becoming much more sophisticated and frequent, leaving organizations constantly pressured to prioritize security at every stage of software development ... To counter these threats, one solution is for DevSecOps to embrace "shift-left" testing — a practice that involves moving testing earlier in the software development lifecycle ...

August 22, 2024
Dotan Nahum
Check Point Software Technologies

Development velocity is a standard KPI in software development, while QA velocity is rarely measured. Even with regulatory and compliance demands, DevOps methodologies, and the shifting left of numerous software testing functions, quality assurance topics (like performance, usability, security, and dependability) continue to be an afterthought in 2024 ...

August 20, 2024
Peter Morales
Code Metal

If you're stepping into edge AI development, let me share some things you'll run into early on. Transitioning AI models from desktop environments to edge devices isn't as straightforward as it might seem. The edge brings unique challenges that demand a different mindset, and the sooner you're aware of them, the better prepared you'll be ...

August 19, 2024
Filipe Torqueto

Platform Engineering is not new. However, as API management becomes more critical and complicated, connecting the world, platform engineering is also evolving to be a vital component of modern digital business. API developers play a crucial role in creating, managing, and scaling APIs to meet the demands of their organizations and customers. What should developers understand about the current state of platform engineering? ...

August 14, 2024
Tzachi Strul

The significance of video in driving engagement, building brand loyalty, increasing online sales, and delivering substantial ROI is widely acknowledged ... However, capitalizing on video content at scale presents a significant operational challenge, particularly for technical teams ...

August 13, 2024
Anthony Abdulla

As technology rapidly advances, IT pros are increasingly saddled with technical debt ... But what exactly is technical debt? In essence, it is the cost incurred by opting for quick fixes over comprehensive solutions in software development. Some IT leaders see generative AI (GenAI) as a solution to quickly code their way out of these legacy IT headaches, but more code is not the answer — in fact, it's what started this problem in the first place ...

August 12, 2024
Matt Biilmann

With ROI on the line and marketing and developer budgets under scrutiny, streamlined collaboration and efficient processes between teams remains paramount ... So, how can decision-makers at the enterprise level help internal teams drive better collaboration, align on business goals, and build stronger partnerships? ...

August 08, 2024
Sara Faatz

In certain developer circles right now, the sense of doom is palpable. For many, the writing seems to be on the wall. The question is not if but when AI will render their professions wholly irrelevant ... It seems like a tragedy. Luckily, it's also a fantasy ...

August 07, 2024
Sashank Purighalla
BOS Framework

Patrick Debois, the godfather of DevOps, once tweeted: "DevOps is about removing the friction between silos. All the rest is engineering." His idea, which grew into DevSecOps, integrates developers, IT operations, quality assurance, and InfoSec teams' security approaches in the software development lifecycle (SDLC), helping to address vulnerabilities proactively rather than discover them later in the game ...

July 30, 2024
Nick Mistry

To better facilitate the secure development of software built and bought by federal agencies, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) created the Secure Software Development Attestation form ... While the time to fill out the Secure Software Attestation Form has come and gone for critical software and around the corner for all software, a recent survey from Lineaje, conducted a month before the June deadline, revealed significant gaps in software producers' preparedness and awareness ...

July 24, 2024
Lauren Rother

Artistic swimming, formerly known as synchronized swimming or water ballet, seems like it should be nearly impossible for humans: a synchronized, choreographed routine, accompanied by music, involving many people who are often fully or partially submerged under water ... Sound familiar? That's the ideal product development lifecycle as well ...

July 23, 2024
Kevin Cochrane

Vultr and S&P Global Market Intelligence recently released a report titled The New Battleground: Unlocking the Power of AI Maturity/MultiModel AI. The research charts the paths mature AI organizations have taken as a guide for those still in the earlier stages.Here are a few of the key findings ...

July 19, 2024
Ant Newman
Spectro Cloud

In case you missed it, Kubernetes turned ten this summer. It's the perfect opportunity to reflect on how far cloud-native has come, and what the next ten years might hold. So to commemorate the occasion, here are ten top findings from Spectro Cloud's new 2024 State of Production Kubernetes report ...

July 17, 2024
Kalyan Ramanathan
Portworx by Pure Storage

Kubernetes, or K8s, will soon be synonymous with application delivery, if it isn't already ... Organizations planning to make Kubernetes the base of operations for their workloads should know what this new cloud-native landscape will look like and how to prepare for it ...

July 16, 2024
Eric Schwake
Salt Security

API abuse is rampant, impacting organizations of all sizes and industries ... Despite increasing awareness, many organizations are still in the initial stages of implementing strong API security. Our recent research, the Salt Security State of API Security Report 2024, painted a concerning picture of the current state of the market ...


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