In the face of emerging and increasingly frequent cyber threats, DevOps is evolving into DevSecOps, where security is the responsibility of every individual and engrained throughout the development process. While the concept is sound, making it a reality is going to take work ...
Privilege Management is a new age term, born from the crucible of Role Based Access Control (RBAC). Privilege Management refers to the ability of any enterprise to successfully manage, detect and mitigate any possibility of employee account misuse. The definition is quite terse and a bit wishful. In reality most organizations have very poor privilege management practices employed for their resources. In this blog, I will discuss why that is the case, what are some good strategies to launch effective privilege management in your organization and some of the gotchas that you can avoid ...
The use of APIs to enable applications to interact across single and multiple infrastructures is skyrocketing and innovation is being fueled by companies finding new ways to monetize their software assets by exposing APIs to outside developers. However, exposing APIs to developers outside the company creates significant risk and APIs are becoming a growing target for cyber criminals. A new study by Ovum highlights an alarming lack of consistency and ownership in how API security is addressed ...
We can expect to see significant advances in DevOps in 2016. Below are just three predictions you need to know about in order to compete in the idea economy ...
If an attacker were bogging down your apps, how would you know? You wouldn't, unless you bridge the gap between ops and security ...