
September 06, 2018

In evaluating 316 million incidents, it is clear that attacks against the application are growing in volume and sophistication, and as such, continue to be a major threat to business, according to Security Report for Web Applications (Q2 2018) from tCell ...

August 27, 2018

Protego Labs recently discovered that 98 percent of functions in serverless applications are at risk, with 16 percent considered "serious" ...

August 23, 2018

After another record year of breaches, The 2018 DevSecOps Community Survey found that 3 in 10 respondents suspected or verified breaches stemming from vulnerabilities in open source components — a 55% increase over 2017, and 121% increase since 2014 ...

August 22, 2018

Only half of CI/CD workflows include application security testing elements despite respondents citing awareness of the importance and advantages of doing so, according to DevSecOps Realities and Opportunities, a survey conducted by 451 Research, commissioned by Synopsys ...

August 20, 2018

As the security industry continues to evolve, one thing remains consistent – teams are still struggling with balancing the increasing amount of work they have to do, without an increase in resources to accomplish their goals. In turn, it is becoming progressively more difficult for teams to be successful and accomplish their goals. However, while this is prominent theme, a lesser-known problem has risen, which I like to refer to as "security as a silo" – a different kind of SaaS ...

August 16, 2018

There once was a time in software development where developers could design, build and then think about their software's security. However in today's highly connected, API-driven application environment, this approach is simply too risky as it exposes the software to vulnerabilities ...

August 09, 2018

For the past 13 years, the Ponemon Institute has examined the cost associated with data breaches of less than 100,000 records, finding that the costs have steadily risen over the course of the study. The average cost of a data breach was $3.86 million in the 2018 study, compared to $3.50 million in 2014 – representing nearly 10 percent net increase over the past 5 years of the study ...

August 08, 2018

Hidden costs in data breaches – such as lost business, negative impact on reputation and employee time spent on recovery – are difficult and expensive to manage, according to the 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Study, sponsored by IBM Security and conducted by Ponemon Institute. The study found that the average cost of a data breach globally is $3.86 million ...

August 06, 2018

The previous chapter in this WhiteHat Security series discussed dependencies as the second step of the Twelve-Factor App. This next chapter examines the security component of step three of the Twelve-Factor methodology — storing configurations within the environment.

July 31, 2018

Even organizations that understand the importance of cybersecurity in theory often stumble when it comes to marrying security initiatives with their development and operations processes. Most businesses agree that everyone should be responsible for security, but this principle is not being upheld on a day-to-day basis in many organizations. That’s bad news for everyone. Here are some best practices for implementing SecOps ...

July 30, 2018

While the technologies, processes, and cultural shifts of DevOps have improved the ability of software teams to deliver reliable work rapidly and effectively, security has not been a focal point in the transformation of cloud IT infrastructure. SecOps is a methodology that seeks to address this by operationalizing and hardening security throughout the software lifecycle ...

July 19, 2018

Despite 95 percent of CIOs expecting cyberthreats to increase over the next three years, only 65 percent of their organizations currently have a cybersecurity expert, according to a survey from Gartner. The survey also reveals that skills challenges continue to plague organizations that undergo digitalization, with digital security staffing shortages considered a top inhibitor to innovation ...

July 10, 2018

In the shift to cloud native, many organizations have adopted a configuration-as-code approach. This helps drive up application deployment velocity by letting developers and DevOps teams reconfigure their deployments as their needs arise. Other organizations, particularly the more regulated ones, still have security people owning these tools, but that creates increased pressure on the security organization to keep up. How much are organizations investing in this process, and how much is it getting them? ...

June 28, 2018

More than a third of companies that use serverless functions are not employing any application security best practices and are not using any tools or standard security methodologies to secure them, according to the State of Serverless Security survey, conducted by PureSec ...

June 25, 2018

The previous chapter in this WhiteHat Security series discussed Codebase as the first step of the Twelve-Factor App and defined a security best practice approach for ensuring a secure source control system. Considering the importance of applying security in a modern DevOps world, this next chapter examines the security component of step two of the Twelve-Factor methodology. Here follows some actionable advice from the WhiteHat Security Addendum Checklist, which developers and ops engineers can follow during the SaaS build and operations stages ...

June 21, 2018

DevSecOps is quickly gaining support and traction, within and beyond information security teams. In fact, 70% of respondents believe their culture can embrace the change needed to fuse Security and DevOps, according to a new survey of 80 security professionals by Aqua Security ...

June 18, 2018

An overwhelming 83 percent of respondents have concerns about deploying traditional firewalls in the cloud, according to Firewalls and the Cloud, a survey conducted by Barracuda Networks...

June 07, 2018

The Twelve-Factor App is a methodology that offers a 12-step best practice approach for developers to apply when building software-as-a-service apps that are both scalable and maintainable in a DevOps world. As software continues to be written and deployed at a faster rate and in the cloud, development teams are finding there is more room for failure and vulnerabilities. This blog series will discuss how to build a Twelve-Factor app securely ...

June 04, 2018

DevOps and security traditionally have been siloed functions and security is often seen as a policing function by DevOps team members. However, more mature business leaders are trying to bridge the gap between the two functions to achieve business excellence. This theme was evident from our recent survey where 39% of respondents cited that DevOps and development teams care greatly about their cybersecurity posture, showing that the silo between security/IT and development teams is diminishing ...

May 31, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 5, the last installment, offers some final thoughts about "tools" that are not necessarily technology ...

May 29, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 4 covers code and data ...

May 24, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 3 covers security and monitoring ...

May 22, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 2 covers DevOps and development ...

May 21, 2018

While DevSecOps, much like DevOps itself, is more about changing IT culture than employing certain types of technology, some tools can be an important support. To find out what the right tools are, DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 1 covers the testing phase ...

May 08, 2018

With data breaches consistently being in the news over the last several years, it is no wonder why data privacy has become such a hot topic and why the European Union (EU) has put in place General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will become enforceable on May 25, 2018, which is less than a month away ...
