
August 27, 2020

At its heart, cybersecurity is about either identifying, or mitigating weaknesses — a raft of vulnerability management products already exist that can scan infrastructure, network connections, software stacks, and indeed, applications and code, and can potentially recommend fixes, or even apply instrumentation and patches. Note however, that use of these tools doesn't deliver DevSecOps ...

August 26, 2020

DevSecOps inserts security principles and practices into the DevOps lifecycle, squeezing security into the terminology of development and deployment with all the subtlety of a crowbar. The fact that this needs to happen deserves some exploration, not least because of what it suggests: that DevOps left in the wild, doesn't take cybersecurity into account. So, did the creators of DevOps just fall asleep in that lecture, or is something more fundamental going on? What is the relationship between cybersecurity in general and DevOps, and most importantly, what do organizations need to do about it? ...

August 20, 2020

To make DevSecOps more effective and address both the speed and security pressures, development and security teams need to understand each other better. For developers, that means understanding how applications can be exploited — the OWASP Top 10 is a good start ...

August 19, 2020

Software development teams are driven by speed. Security teams are driven by exactly what their title says — security. Both of which are good and necessary things to deliver what the market wants: Quality products that are the latest and greatest and aren't littered with vulnerabilities that can put users at risk. But those very different, and often competing, pressures make it difficult for those teams to find common ground ...

August 13, 2020

Cloud breaches will likely increase in velocity and scale, according to the Summer 2020 edition of the Accurics State of DevSecOps report ...

August 11, 2020

Digital transformation isn't just changing how businesses compete in the marketplace. It is changing how companies operate, especially with regards to security. Traditional models are being pushed aside to make way for more expansive thinking — and that includes a cultural shift within the classic DevOps model ...

July 30, 2020

The enduring approach to DevOps, ITOps, and security (SecOps) has exposed foundational cracks in the operational structure of digital businesses. The specialized organizations created to support innovation, IT performance, and the protection of business-critical infrastructure — DevOps, ITOps and security teams — are too often fragmented to the point that they create security vulnerabilities that represent significant potential business damage. Modern IT environments demand a cohesive approach comprising these most crucial teams, an approach we describe as XOps ...

July 29, 2020

Today's vulnerability research and attack methods are becoming more sophisticated, often penetrating past the software layers and compromising the underlying hardware. When not implemented or verified properly, hardware-based security can have its own set of challenges. It is evident that the industry needs a comprehensive understanding of the common hardware security weaknesses and the corresponding secure-by-design best practices, so as to help protect sensitive data that users generate and consume each day ...

June 25, 2020

It is important to not only pay attention to product delivery automation and speed but also to add security to software updates, critical system vulnerabilities, and correct system access control, which DevSecOps practices assist with. The following are DevSecOps best practices ...

June 24, 2020

DevSecOps brings together the best of DevOps with modern security practices. DevOps streamlines and accelerates the product development lifecycle, aiming to automate as much as possible. DevSecOps maintains this automation focus and incorporates security — with a goal of making each step secure and bringing in new tools and practices to make the entire product more secure as well. This 2-part blog will focus on some established and emerging ways that DevSecOps plays a role in product delivery organizations ...

June 23, 2020

Setting DevSecOps goals are a critical component when aligning mission-critical application functionality with businesses' needs. In an ideal world, this would allow organizations to increase operational speed, automate manual tasks, provide continuous delivery to the company, and keep what matters most protected ...

June 18, 2020

The Threat Stack Security Operations Center recently pulled together research into how businesses are managing their cloud infrastructure since the COVID-19 quarantine began and identified some interesting trends that stood out to me ...

June 04, 2020

From May 2019 and continuing on until the end of the year, there was a dramatic shift by criminals who started targeting APIs, in an effort to bypass security controls, according to the Akamai 2020 State of the Internet / Security: Financial Services – Hostile Takeover Attempts report ...

June 02, 2020

The logical extension of the DevOps cultural shift to address this need is DevSecOps: incorporating security throughout the delivery lifecycle rather than treating it as a separate, and potentially optional, concern. Let's dig deeper into some benefits of adopting DevSecOps culture and practices ...

June 01, 2020

Redgate's annual State of Database DevOps Report presents a yearly glimpse into the latest facts, figures and trends about DevOps across different industry sectors. Over the last four years, Financial Services has consistently been the top performer, with more respondents in the sector adopting DevOps and introducing automation across the database development process, enabling them to deploy changes faster ...

May 20, 2020

Nearly 3,700 people told GitLab about their DevOps journeys. Respondents shared that their roles are changing dramatically, no matter where they sit in the organization. The lines surrounding the traditional definitions of dev, sec, ops and test have blurred, and as we enter the second half of 2020, it is perhaps more important than ever for companies to understand how these roles are evolving ...

May 14, 2020

The average multinational spends several million dollars a year on compliance, while in highly regulated industries — like financial services and defense — the costs can be in the tens or even hundreds of millions. Despite conducting these rigorous assessments yet we wake up to data breach announcements on an hourly basis ...

May 04, 2020

Markku Rossi, CTO at SSH.COM, has joined the DEVOPSdigest Vendor Forum.

May 04, 2020

Amid the current public health crisis, a vast majority of IT system administrators, DevOps teams and software engineers are forced to work remotely. It's a new way of working for many businesses, introducing sudden and widespread change to conventional workflows, processes, team collaboration and more. It's also creating security risks, opening new attack vectors while significantly expanding current ones ...

April 23, 2020

From SecOps to DevSecOps and SecDevOps, there seems to be an unending stream of new buzzwords in systems technology. With all this jargon, increasingly stories can read more like inside baseball rather than an intentional strategy. To understand insertion of "Security" into "‘DevOps", we need to reminisce about the origins of term "DevOps" ...

April 14, 2020

With very few exceptions, all software engineering teams are now operating in a fully distributed mode due to the COVID-19 crisis and our efforts to keep team members safe and avoid spreading the virus. For teams that were already fully distributed, the interruptions are likely minimal. But those that are making the rapid transition from fully- or partially-colocated to 100% distributed are experiencing significant disruptions to their operations — and their cloud security posture ...

March 12, 2020

There's a curious irony about two powerful and closely related developer tools in use today. On the one hand, enterprises of all sorts have moved quickly to embrace the use of containers and Kubernetes as part of their digital transformation, usually with a view to speeding the pace of new application development. Yet, according to a new survey from StackRox, almost half of those same users have applied the brakes, delaying the rollout of applications that make use of those technologies. The reasons for both their enthusiasm and their caution are understandable ...

March 05, 2020

As the expansion of DevOps into DevSecOps shifts into higher gear in 2020, companies are struggling to balance the accelerated automated software development cycle with an integrated and thorough software security strategy. The key in doing so is to take DevSecOps at face value and do what the technology demands ...

February 13, 2020

Ensuring the safety of the apps we use every day is essential. Consumers need to know their app stores are offering vetted downloads. At the same time, personal discretion is essential — knowing not to allow access permissions on a simple flashlight app, for example, is part of technological literacy ...

February 06, 2020

Every mobile app is built around a set of APIs. In fact, it's not much of an exaggeration to describe APIs as the heart of day's modern mobile. Because of their centrality to the function of mobile apps, securing each API is a difficult task. The burden is placed squarely on mobile app developers, most of whom are not security experts ...
