DevOps teams are uniquely positioned to drive both technological and business success, yet their impact is often overlooked ... Here's how DevOps teams can gain the recognition they deserve — highlighting their impact and proving their indispensable value ...
Dev Culture
In Part 18, the final installment in this series, experts offer predictions about how AI will impact developers in 2025 and beyond ...
In Part 13 of this series, experts offer some final recommendations to ensure success while using AI to support software development ...
As the demand for software development grows, so too does the complexity of managing global teams. Organizations around the world are increasingly relying on distributed development teams to innovate and stay competitive ... To keep global development teams productive — even when operating in private cloud environments — while minimizing downtime and fostering seamless collaboration, consider these five best practices ...
It is the 256th day of the year, and do you know what that means? It is the day in which we celebrate International Programmers Day. This is the day that is designed to recognize the efforts of programmers and software developers who are involved in creating, maintaining and enhancing the software and programs that power everyday life ...
Employment for software roles is projected to grow 25% from 2022 to 2032, meaning new opportunities are on the horizon. To increase their odds in a highly competitive job market, aspiring software developers must understand exactly what employers are looking for in candidates ...
The 25 disruptive technologies to watch on the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2024 fall into four key areas: autonomous AI, developer productivity, total experience, and human-centric security and privacy programs ...
With ROI on the line and marketing and developer budgets under scrutiny, streamlined collaboration and efficient processes between teams remains paramount ... So, how can decision-makers at the enterprise level help internal teams drive better collaboration, align on business goals, and build stronger partnerships? ...
Beyond its development practices and tools, DevOps is a culture, and a new way of thinking about application delivery. It stands to reason then, that CIOs must revise their view of software to succeed with DevOps ...
As we all watch the technology industry shift to the latest technologies, languages, hardware, and more, the good news for DevOps professionals is that DevOps continues to be a top priority for organizations. As they forecast the talent needs, 51% of organizations have dedicated technical talent allocated to DevOps ...
Software engineering is an inherently social practice; after all it requires integrating all the work into a shared code base and assuming collective responsibility for architectural decisions made during the design phase. In this context, effective knowledge transfer and documentation practices are crucial in mitigating technical debt and enhancing team performance ...
Regardless of whether an engineering team is colocated, remote, or hybrid, they are susceptible to the same communication pitfalls. These pitfalls stem from inherent human and group dynamics and they can lead to miscommunication, backtracking, and misunderstandings ...
Capturing institutional knowledge and insight into the mechanics of custom-built software has unique challenges. No two programmers think exactly alike, so documenting software development and coding changes is essential to keep products running. When a developer leaves or is let go, the remaining development team must rely on notes and documentation to understand their code structure ...
Small software design and development shops, those with less than 25 employees, operate differently from large sized operations with hundreds upon hundreds of staff. Small shops are nimble, often close knit, and employees are usually led directly by senior, hands-on practitioners. Still, faced with lesser budget and resources, small shops must constantly be on the lookout for ways to maximize teams. The following four tips can help owners and leaders fine tune their operations for greater performance, cost efficiency, profitability and employee satisfaction ...
The personality types you often encounter in software development organizations can be divided into two basic categories: poets and librarians. Poets are the creative types who dream up big ideas. Librarians make sure high-quality code gets built on time. Their goals and motivations differ, but great software results when they work together harmoniously ...
Metrics are rarely the best way to understand how the work developers are doing drives the business forward. Of course, teams need some way to quantify progress. So how can leaders measure and understand how well individuals and teams are working? ...
The average developer tenure is less than two years, even for large tech companies with flashy perks. That's compared to an average employee tenure of 4.1 years across other industries. Clearly, something isn't adding up in the developer experience (DevEx). But what are non-technical leaders missing? ...
The best tools and processes cannot produce true DevOps without a culture of collaboration and buy-in. Some organizations still fail to see the role of culture in DevOps, while others expect a mature DevOps culture to evolve overnight. Either way, this reveals a misunderstanding of what DevOps culture is and how teams can successfully create one. In what follows, we address the what and the how of DevOps culture by debunking six of the most common misconceptions ...
According to a recent Uplevel survey of over 350 software developers, there's a significant disconnect between chief technology officers (CTOs) and their teams. In fact, 30% of respondents said the majority of their problems and roadblocks go unnoticed by engineering leadership ...
More than half of surveyed development professionals report experiencing burnout, which decreases service delivery quality and speed. In turn, slow deployment velocity and unreliable apps hurt the bottom line. Developer empowerment counteracts burnout ... Let's explore how you can elevate your software development team's performance through empowerment ...
DevOps culture encompasses a set of values, practices, and expectations that focus on continuous learning and improvement through quick feedback, cross-team collaboration, openness and transparency, and high levels of empathy and trust. The DevOps approach to creating a CI/CD-driven culture is as follows ...
Burnout is too common in the development space. It's affected the teams that I've managed, my colleagues and even me at certain points in my career. And unfortunately, I'm not alone: More than 80% of developers are suffering from burnout ...
An increased demand for highly skilled developers is creating a talent gap within the software industry. Automation can help solve the developer gap across the board ...
When we consider that more than a quarter of a million tech workers have been laid off worldwide since January 2022, it's apparent that there will be a major evolution in how tech teams operate within companies. Nowhere is this more apparent than in testing ...