Vendor Forum

July 30, 2018
Pete Cheslock
Threat Stack

While the technologies, processes, and cultural shifts of DevOps have improved the ability of software teams to deliver reliable work rapidly and effectively, security has not been a focal point in the transformation of cloud IT infrastructure. SecOps is a methodology that seeks to address this by operationalizing and hardening security throughout the software lifecycle ...

July 24, 2018
Ronit Eliav

What top considerations must companies make to ensure – or at least help improve – Agile at scale? The following are key techniques and practices to help accelerate Agile delivery rollouts and scale Agile and DevOps in the Enterprise ...

July 23, 2018
Ronit Eliav

Digital transformation is an important part of most corporate agendas for 2018. Successful digital transformation, encompassing your current business, partners and both current and prospective customers, isn't always easy. However, adopting an enterprise-wide Agile methodology can help ease the burden and deliver discernible ROI much faster ...

July 17, 2018
Mark Levy
Micro Focus

In my first blog in this series, I highlighted some of the main challenges teams face with trying to scale mainframe DevOps. To get past these hurdles, the key is to develop an incremental approach that enables teams to capture value along each step of the journey ...

July 16, 2018
Mark Levy
Micro Focus

The key to mainframe DevOps success is in quickly identifying and removing major bottlenecks in the application delivery lifecycle. Major challenges include collaboration between mainframe and distributed teams, lack of visibility into the impact of software changes, and limited resource flexibility with scaling out necessary testing initiatives. Now let's take a closer look at some of these key challenges and how IT departments can address them ...

July 11, 2018
Hillel Solow
Check Point

How much are organizations investing in the shift to cloud native, how much is it getting them? ...

July 10, 2018
Hillel Solow
Check Point

In the shift to cloud native, many organizations have adopted a configuration-as-code approach. This helps drive up application deployment velocity by letting developers and DevOps teams reconfigure their deployments as their needs arise. Other organizations, particularly the more regulated ones, still have security people owning these tools, but that creates increased pressure on the security organization to keep up. How much are organizations investing in this process, and how much is it getting them? ...

June 25, 2018
Eric Sheridan
WhiteHat Security

The previous chapter in this WhiteHat Security series discussed Codebase as the first step of the Twelve-Factor App and defined a security best practice approach for ensuring a secure source control system. Considering the importance of applying security in a modern DevOps world, this next chapter examines the security component of step two of the Twelve-Factor methodology. Here follows some actionable advice from the WhiteHat Security Addendum Checklist, which developers and ops engineers can follow during the SaaS build and operations stages ...

June 21, 2018
Dror Davidoff
Aqua Security

DevSecOps is quickly gaining support and traction, within and beyond information security teams. In fact, 70% of respondents believe their culture can embrace the change needed to fuse Security and DevOps, according to a new survey of 80 security professionals by Aqua Security ...

June 14, 2018
Dan Murphy

Despite the vast majority of cloud management decision-makers believing that DevOps and microservice enablement are important, very few believe that their organizations are capable of delivering them today — a gap that is costing the average enterprise $34 million per year, according to new report from the Ponemon Institute ...

June 12, 2018
Amir Rozenberg

Dev teams are doing their best to give the customers what they want, but oftentimes find themselves in between a rock and a hard place. Teams are struggling to get up to speed with new tools that are meant to make their lives easier and more realistic to hit deadlines. With spring cleaning season upon us, take time this season to tune up agile processes and continue the work of advancing the shift towards DevOps ...

June 11, 2018
Bob Davis

The ability to create a culture of DevOps is critical to any organization's ability to deliver applications and services at a high rate of speed, but can we clearly and concisely answer the question: What exactly is DevOps? Despite the best intentions, some large companies are struggling to understand what DevOps actually is, and what it takes to fully implement its concepts and reap its benefits ...

June 07, 2018
Eric Sheridan
WhiteHat Security

The Twelve-Factor App is a methodology that offers a 12-step best practice approach for developers to apply when building software-as-a-service apps that are both scalable and maintainable in a DevOps world. As software continues to be written and deployed at a faster rate and in the cloud, development teams are finding there is more room for failure and vulnerabilities. This blog series will discuss how to build a Twelve-Factor app securely ...

June 05, 2018
Matt Hilbert
Redgate Software

Everyone understands the importance of code quality for applications, particularly when DevOps results in releases becoming faster and faster, reducing the room for error. The same issues increasingly apply to databases, which are a vital part of DevOps workflows. Fail to integrate the database into DevOps and you'll face bottlenecks that slow down your processes and undermine your efforts ...

June 04, 2018
Mukul Kumar
Cavirin Systems

DevOps and security traditionally have been siloed functions and security is often seen as a policing function by DevOps team members. However, more mature business leaders are trying to bridge the gap between the two functions to achieve business excellence. This theme was evident from our recent survey where 39% of respondents cited that DevOps and development teams care greatly about their cybersecurity posture, showing that the silo between security/IT and development teams is diminishing ...


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