The 2020 Coronavirus pandemic has introduced a bevy of new challenges that developers have never encountered before, from company-wide shifts to remote work, budget cuts, layoffs, and salary freezes. Product development has never been more important to a company's survival, which makes the overall satisfaction of today's developer workforce critical ...
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As companies look to further harness the power of cloud native, however, they are adopting open source technologies at rapid speed, increasing the number of clusters and workloads. Understanding how to manage cluster sprawl and the challenges this is creating for your organization is critical to keep in mind when scaling a cloud native infrastructure. Here are the 3 ways that cluster sprawl is detrimental to your business ...
Microservices have changed software development and promise powerful benefits. For some organizations, microservices enable the agility that modern software development needs. However, it is a big step: some organizations have already struggled with Agile and DevOps adoption: microservices are an even bigger challenge ...
To make DevSecOps more effective and address both the speed and security pressures, development and security teams need to understand each other better. For developers, that means understanding how applications can be exploited — the OWASP Top 10 is a good start ...
Software development teams are driven by speed. Security teams are driven by exactly what their title says — security. Both of which are good and necessary things to deliver what the market wants: Quality products that are the latest and greatest and aren't littered with vulnerabilities that can put users at risk. But those very different, and often competing, pressures make it difficult for those teams to find common ground ...
Digital transformation isn't just changing how businesses compete in the marketplace. It is changing how companies operate, especially with regards to security. Traditional models are being pushed aside to make way for more expansive thinking — and that includes a cultural shift within the classic DevOps model ...
On May 23, 2020, Java celebrated its 25th anniversary, and continues to rank among the top two programming languages in the world. However, despite its popularity, Java does have some well-agreed upon downsides. With more and more business-critical applications using Kubernetes, it is more important than ever to bring Java into the future, and not let it get left behind. Read on to learn more ...
The enduring approach to DevOps, ITOps, and security (SecOps) has exposed foundational cracks in the operational structure of digital businesses. The specialized organizations created to support innovation, IT performance, and the protection of business-critical infrastructure — DevOps, ITOps and security teams — are too often fragmented to the point that they create security vulnerabilities that represent significant potential business damage. Modern IT environments demand a cohesive approach comprising these most crucial teams, an approach we describe as XOps ...
Today's vulnerability research and attack methods are becoming more sophisticated, often penetrating past the software layers and compromising the underlying hardware. When not implemented or verified properly, hardware-based security can have its own set of challenges. It is evident that the industry needs a comprehensive understanding of the common hardware security weaknesses and the corresponding secure-by-design best practices, so as to help protect sensitive data that users generate and consume each day ...
To deliver products that meet customer expectations and keep organizations competitive in today's marketplace, developers are always looking for tools and strategies to give them an edge. One of today's popular platforms for streamlining deployment and upgrades is Kubernetes, the open-source container orchestration system. But what are some of the common challenges developers face when utilizing Kubernetes for the first time? What hurdles might even an experience containers pro run into? And what tools exist to make it easier? ...
While there are pains and challenges when getting started with Kubernetes, once developers are able to get through it, they start to reap a lot of benefits. Some of the key benefits include the performance and the availability that Kubernetes as a framework gives to applications ...
OpenTelemetry is a project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that has gathered contributors and supporters far and wide, becoming one of the most active projects found in open source today. In fact, the collaboration that OpenTelemetry has developed is pretty amazing ...
Companies adopting a DevOps culture will need to hire more DevOps engineers, so it is important to understand what skills employers are looking for and how to acquire the right skills to stand out from the crowd. The most crucial roles call for a range of soft and hard skills, and every DevOps engineer should focus on these in order to succeed ...
It is important to not only pay attention to product delivery automation and speed but also to add security to software updates, critical system vulnerabilities, and correct system access control, which DevSecOps practices assist with. The following are DevSecOps best practices ...