API use is exploding among developers, as APIs are an essential part of software development for the web, IoT, mobile and AI applications. APIs allow a developer to create programs or apps that can successfully request services or data from other applications or operating system. This connectivity, though powerful, is complex, and that complexity grows with new apps, new hardware such as the new iPhone and Echo, and the creation of new APIs ...
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Code working perfectly doesn't matter much if apps aren't reaching customers, or are negatively impacted by network latency or outages. All the customer cares about is how they are enjoying an app. To effectively guarantee application availability and usage satisfaction, DevOps teams need to leverage three important application assurance data sets into their delivery automation logic ...
There are many options when it comes to container orchestration platforms and services. Figuring out which one is best for a particular organization’s needs and applications can be a challenge. Which platform for containerization you choose can significantly influence your business success, so the selection process should be carefully considered ...
A powerful tool for simplifying DevOps is containerization, which delivers a convenient form of application packaging, combined with the opportunity to automate certain IT provisioning processes. With containerization, DevOps teams can focus on their priorities — the Ops team preparing containers with all needed dependencies and configurations; and the Dev team focusing on efficient coding of an application that can be easily deployed ...
Web development and web design are intertwined in such a way that there is not one without the other — not anymore at least. The following outlines 5 benefits of collaboration ...
Application Program Interfaces (API’s) represent an effective way to build and manage mobile services. By using APIs — a set of routines, protocols and tools for building software applications — application developers no longer have to buy technology software or hardware. Instead, they can simply plug into a growing open ecosystem of API-driven services. It is simple to integrate, and saves time and money for new developers ...
DevOps encourages communication and collaboration between development and operations teams. Achieving greater synergies between the Dev and Ops teams doesn't happen overnight, but it is possible to fast track the process with the right technologies in place. One such technology is IT automation ...
Newly released data shows that distributed denial of service (DDoS) and web application attacks are on the rise once again, according to the Second Quarter, 2017 State of the Internet / Security Report released by Akamai Technologies ...
Open source technologies are permeating every aspect of business operations and digital transformations. They are integral to mission-critical functionality. According to a recent survey from NodeSource, 91 percent of enterprise software developers believe new companies will be created from today's open source projects ...
Mobile SDKs (software developments kits); love them or hate them, they're here to stay. They provide our apps with all sorts of functionality that would be incredibly time consuming to build, and they give us another means to monetize our apps. While it would be difficult to argue that SDKs aren’t useful, it’s also hard for developers to get a good idea of the amount of resources used by each SDK once the app is in production ...
A common belief within DevOps circles is that automation not only enables greater frequency of delivery and deployment, but improves its overall success rate. Whenever manual intervention is required, the chances of errors creeping in increases. Human error is a significant factor in many an outage, after all ...
DevOps and NetOps are both far more generous in their opinion of the other with respect to prioritization of efforts than traditional archetypes purport them to be, and they have a lot in common – even though they may disagree on details – according to a new survey by F5 ...