Total visibility is a major factor in remaining secure and compliant while optimizing the results of your DevOps products. Let's look a little deeper into how visibility impacts your DevOps environment ...
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The current world of software relies heavily on recycled code, much of which is lifted from open-source repositories. No matter how tightly you integrate security into your development cycles, if the open-source code you borrowed is vulnerable, so are you. Even if you were to somehow achieve the unrealistic goal of "zero vulnerabilities in production," there's no guarantee that this will actually make your business secure ...
A long-running study of DevOps practices ... suggests that any historical gains in MTTR reduction have now plateaued. For years now, the time it takes to restore services has stayed about the same: less than a day for high performers but up to a week for middle-tier teams and up to a month for laggards. The fact that progress is flat despite big investments in people, tools and automation is a cause for concern ...
Updates to the software we use daily are so smooth we rarely even notice them. This is thanks to continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD), which have streamlined software delivery through frequent and consistent code changes. We now look to continuous merge to keep perfecting the software delivery lifecycle beyond what CI/CD has made possible ...
API security should be a key part of any organization's security strategy today; however, it's often overlooked. APIs make up 83 percent of all web traffic, and they play a vital role in nearly all modern mobile and web applications, as well as containers and microservices. APIs are designed to be accessed by third parties, which exposes them to a broader spectrum of potential attacks compared to traditional web applications ...
APIs don't exist in a vacuum — they need a way to be tied to your backend systems. This is where a multi-function iPaaS can assist. When combined with the power of API governance to support DevOps, you've just equipped your team with its version of Batman and Robin, the heroes of your organization's digital transformation ...
I'm hoping that low-code ceases to be a topic of conversation. It won, it's everywhere, and thus it's no longer special. What I'd like to see us talk about more is that there's an overall approach that can address a lot of these at the same time. And while I use the term more frequently than most, I'm hardly the only person advocating the idea of an application factory ...
Low-code development tools change the application development process less than we probably think. Of course they help, but the problems we had before low-code's rise to popularity are still with us — and still unsolved ...
There's tremendous pressure on DevOps teams to deliver business-critical applications and services with speed and agility. As a result, DevOps teams will often take the path of least resistance to meeting deadlines, even if it means taking security shortcuts. One such example is the provisioning and management of digital certificates may stray from enterprise-wide PKI policy which can expose security weaknesses and vulnerabilities ...
Building a robust chat experience that can deliver 24/7 service to a global user base presents significant architectural challenges. Let's look at the top considerations for designing a scalable chat app architecture and the core components necessary for constructing a successful chat application ...
It's understandable that when we consider users now expect outstanding, digitally-enabled experiences as standard, it permeates all aspects of an organization. Business units expect technology solutions faster, applications are expected to be planned, developed, tested, and deployed in weeks — if not days — and wholescale digital transformation projects should happen quickly ...
CI/CD is a common phrase in the DevOps lexicon. Despite its everyday use, many lack a clear understanding of its exact definition. While continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD) are inherently linked, they do not always coexist. This blog provides a breakdown of CI and CD and shows how the combination enhances software development ...
Visual experiences have the ability to create excitement around a brand, build customer trust, and continually engage customers ... Yet, to achieve high levels of engagement, media assets must be created, managed and deployed quickly and at scale. This task falls to developers, who face an array of challenges ...
Developers are leveraging a variety of tools, platforms, languages, and services to deliver more sophisticated features and functionality. However, every additional component used to build an application increases the size of the attack surface and the risk of an attack. Threat actors have a greater chance of discovering a vulnerability, misconfiguration, or bug that can serve as a toehold into the environment ...
For the last decade, the concept of shifting security left has surged exponentially among practitioners, as the results of this approach are astounding. The ability to deliver secure code faster, reduce vulnerabilities in production, and drive efficiencies across application security and development teams are a clear win for any organization, right? ...