DevOps is usually lumped in with "being agile" and, sadly, misunderstood. My goal here is for you to gain a great understanding of and realizing the full potential of DevOps. Once that is established, this will lead to a better understanding of the innovation and evolution enabled by DevOps ...
Vendor Forum
The logical extension of the DevOps cultural shift to address this need is DevSecOps: incorporating security throughout the delivery lifecycle rather than treating it as a separate, and potentially optional, concern. Let's dig deeper into some benefits of adopting DevSecOps culture and practices ...
Redgate's annual State of Database DevOps Report presents a yearly glimpse into the latest facts, figures and trends about DevOps across different industry sectors. Over the last four years, Financial Services has consistently been the top performer, with more respondents in the sector adopting DevOps and introducing automation across the database development process, enabling them to deploy changes faster ...
Beyond mere geographic distribution, how well do your teams work if they are distributed in multiple locations? Can you get specialists from a geography quickly and onboard them onto a team whose main contingent is elsewhere? ...
Real digital transformation is built on a foundation of adaptability and the ability to embrace change. As we all face new challenges, I am offering some tips as a way to look deeply at your distributed work that is occurring and evaluate where and how it might be improved ...
Nearly 3,700 people told GitLab about their DevOps journeys. Respondents shared that their roles are changing dramatically, no matter where they sit in the organization. The lines surrounding the traditional definitions of dev, sec, ops and test have blurred, and as we enter the second half of 2020, it is perhaps more important than ever for companies to understand how these roles are evolving ...
The unprecedented global pandemic required organizations around the world to move their workforce almost completely remote — some in a matter of days. While many startups and organizations previously had a culture where employees were enabled to work remotely, that was not the case for all organizations. As a result, many employees are adjusting to a new way of working, including one audience some may not have expected: developers ...
The average multinational spends several million dollars a year on compliance, while in highly regulated industries — like financial services and defense — the costs can be in the tens or even hundreds of millions. Despite conducting these rigorous assessments yet we wake up to data breach announcements on an hourly basis ...
In today's business climate, the reality of remote work is sinking in, especially for technology teams who must continue to work to keep the lights on. As more workers move to remote settings and consumers and users begin to rely more heavily on digital apps and experiences, being able to work successfully and productively in such an environment is critical. Whether your organization already has dispersed teams, either locally or globally, or you're just getting started, check out these tips to get on the path to success ...
There are multiple stages that the organization can take to adapt to the new normal of WFH. A new normal that will change IT forever — the way it is used, implemented, and valued. This is the frontline where remote working solutions and cloud platforms and technology solutions will be forged in the flames of necessity and demand ...
Once upon a time, organizations could choose whether or not they would allow remote working for their employees. They could sit in boardrooms and IT war rooms and hand out remote work passes like golden tickets for the Chocolate Factory. Covid-19 has changed everything. The war rooms and boardrooms are collecting dust, as decision-makers and employees work from home (WFH). But what does this actually mean for the organization in terms of its architecture and technical specifications? ...
We are asked to make software purchases based on "business requirements." Often, those "requirements" are vaguely communicated and easily misinterpreted. This is especially true for payment gateways. Now is a good time to discuss these "business requirements" because COVID-19 and the global recession have forced companies to cut costs and double down on ecommerce efforts. I hope that these three considerations can help you get more mileage out of your fintech stack in tough times ...
Amid the current public health crisis, a vast majority of IT system administrators, DevOps teams and software engineers are forced to work remotely. It's a new way of working for many businesses, introducing sudden and widespread change to conventional workflows, processes, team collaboration and more. It's also creating security risks, opening new attack vectors while significantly expanding current ones ...
The third and final key takes this down to the individual level. The motivation for knowledge work must come from our hearts ...
Some research that I come back to frequently was done by Google as part of their Project Aristotle. They did multi-year research on 180 teams to answer the question "what factors are most conducive to high-performing teams?" The 5 factors they isolated were somewhat surprising, and can be summarized as ...