Vendor Forum

August 08, 2013
Eran Kinsbruner
Perfecto by Perforce

To prepare their mobile apps for the real world, enterprises need to conduct performance testing under real network conditions and using real mobile devices. But it doesn't end there ...

May 06, 2013
Eran Kinsbruner
Perfecto by Perforce

While mobile is quickly becoming the de-facto market platform for many of the business-critical applications deployed by banks, insurance companies and other enterprise organizations, the need to ensure an optimal end user experience mandates a robust mobile performance testing environment. Building an efficient mobile performance test strategy should consist of the following five pillars ...

August 29, 2012
Denise Dubie
CA Technologies

Software development teams face increasing pressure to deliver high-quality apps on-time and within budget. Unfortunately, according to recent study results, those teams aren’t often equipped with the right tools and appropriate technology to adequately meet the demands of customer needs at low costs and in short timeframes. This reality often translates into applications that reflect poorly on the business ...

July 10, 2012
Pamela Roussos

Businesses today are so dependent on applications that DevOps is now highly visible as it sits at the nexus between customers and business. Heavy burden? You bet, but also a tremendous opportunity to elevate the DevOps role and the entire IT department within the business ...

March 15, 2012
Steve Tack

The thought of adding yet more performance testing cycles into an already overstretched delivery team often elicits the same reaction as the five stages of grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression then acceptance ...

February 23, 2012
Aruna Ravichandran
CA Technologies

If an attacker were bogging down your apps, how would you know? You wouldn't, unless you bridge the gap between ops and security ...


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