The 2020 Java Developer Productivity Report, carried out by Perforce Software, received detailed responses from nearly 400 Java development professionals (with 74% identifying themselves as developers) worldwide. If there was one message that stood out loud and clear it was this: microservices are growing fast, but bring considerable new challenges for developers ...
Vendor Forum
Ensuring the safety of the apps we use every day is essential. Consumers need to know their app stores are offering vetted downloads. At the same time, personal discretion is essential — knowing not to allow access permissions on a simple flashlight app, for example, is part of technological literacy ...
Many IT professionals have discounted the strategic relevance of the mainframe for years on baseless claims. The reality is that in this Digital Age, the mainframe's strategic relevance has only increased as the number of transactional workloads continues to rise on a platform that remains unbeatable in reliability, transactional performance, security, and transactional efficiency ...
Two of the most daunting questions software engineers often hear are: "when will this be done?" and "how much will this cost?" Project managers and clients need to know these answers, but developers don't usually work in the same way where they can deliver certain answers to those questions. They often provide their best guess to those questions, only for the client to be disappointed when the project runs long or costs more than expected. But there is a better approach to budgeting for product updates: user story mapping and forecasting ...
Every mobile app is built around a set of APIs. In fact, it's not much of an exaggeration to describe APIs as the heart of day's modern mobile. Because of their centrality to the function of mobile apps, securing each API is a difficult task. The burden is placed squarely on mobile app developers, most of whom are not security experts ...
The demand to deliver a consistently positive and innovative customer experience is something that many companies — more specifically, their DevOps teams — are currently grappling with. While the ability to push out multiple features a week may appear as a great accomplishment for DevOps teams, our survey showed that 82% commonly discover bugs in production ...
Zero-day vulnerabilities create security holes that can and almost certainly will be exploited. They also could crash your system when you do an upgrade. These threats aren't new, but their threat profile has increased; some of these vulnerabilities persist for long periods of time ...
Despite the proven benefits of DevOps, many enterprise organizations are either still not adopting it or see it as a technical fix that simply increases efficiency, rather than contributing to achieving overall business objectives, such as around digital transformation. So, how can technical teams translate what they are doing, particularly around database DevOps, into business value that is understood across the organization? ...
While nearly 75 percent of developers worry about the security of their applications, and 85 percent rank security as very important in the coding and development process, nearly half of their teams lack a dedicated security expert ...
A lot of companies have gone down the path of DevOps, building and using containers and microservices. As a result, workloads are getting more complex. The Kubernetes ecosystem is very rich, and as more companies find value in using Kubernetes as a container orchestrator, they will adopt more solutions in the ecosystem. These advances mean we'll see increasingly complex workloads running in Kubernetes ...
2020 will mark a tipping point in cloud, as new applications and software will become "cloud first" — and technology that avoids the cloud will increasingly be seen as a costly oddity ...
APIs have become the central system behind most digital enterprise transactions today and they play a key role in powering modern, microservices-based application architectures. Playing a defining role in creating new digital services, APIs can connect partner and customer ecosystems and increase the value of underutilized data ...
Today a brand will only get you so far, you need to accelerate your development to compete, or your company will join the dozens already in the corporate graveyard. What does this mean for application security? ...
If DevOps is a car, CI/CD is the transmission that connects all the moving parts together to allow for a smooth drive. No modern software development effort can thrive without CI/CD so if you're just getting started here's everything you need to know ...