APMdigest asked experts from across APM and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. The second set of six recommendations includes testing and analytics ...
Organizations that are "extremely successful" in advanced operations analytics (AOA) are 20 times more likely to be "very successful" in their hybrid cloud adoptions than those who were only "moderately successful" or less in AOA, according to a new Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) Research Report, The Many Faces of Advanced Operations Analytics ...
DevOps emerged as a philosophy for bridging the gap between operations and development silos, where each focused on different priorities, using different processes and tools. This article will focus on some key challenges existing in the DevOps approach — challenges that leave operations to wade through overwhelming amounts of operational data — and how new analytics-based tools stand to provide insight into meaningful information, ultimately closing this gap, and putting development and operations into better synch ...