Feature Articles

November 05, 2018

Everyone talks about automating the software development lifecycle (SDLC) but the first question should be: What should you automate? With this question in mind, DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on what steps in the SDLC should be automated. Part 1 starts with by-far the most popular recommendation: Testing ...

October 09, 2018

Adopting a modern application architecture is critical to business success and a significant driver of profit growth in today’s digital economy, according to the results of a global survey of IT and business executives released by CA Technologies and conducted by Frost & Sullivan ...

October 01, 2018

As businesses look to capitalize on the benefits offered by the cloud, we've seen the rise of the DevOps practice which, in common with the cloud, offers businesses the advantages of greater agility, speed, quality and efficiency. However, achieving this agility requires end-to-end visibility based on continuous monitoring of the developed applications as part of the software development life cycle ...

September 26, 2018

In a DevOps evolution, there are many paths to success, but even more that lead to failure, according to the 2018 State of DevOps Report from Puppet ...

September 18, 2018

To celebrate IT Professionals Day 2018 (this year on September 18), the SolarWinds IT Pro Day 2018: A World Powered by Tech Pros survey explores a "Tech PROactive" world where technology professionals have the time, resources, and ability to use their technology prowess to do absolutely anything ...

September 13, 2018

"Our research provides compelling evidence that smart investments in technology, process, and culture drive profit, quality, and customer outcomes that are important for organizations to stay competitive and relevant -- both today and as we look to the future," said Dr. Nicole Forsgren, co-founder and CEO of DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA), referring to the organization's latest report Accelerate: State of DevOps 2018: Strategies for a New Economy ...

September 06, 2018

In evaluating 316 million incidents, it is clear that attacks against the application are growing in volume and sophistication, and as such, continue to be a major threat to business, according to Security Report for Web Applications (Q2 2018) from tCell ...

August 27, 2018

Protego Labs recently discovered that 98 percent of functions in serverless applications are at risk, with 16 percent considered "serious" ...

August 23, 2018

After another record year of breaches, The 2018 DevSecOps Community Survey found that 3 in 10 respondents suspected or verified breaches stemming from vulnerabilities in open source components — a 55% increase over 2017, and 121% increase since 2014 ...

August 13, 2018

Agile is expanding within the enterprise. Agile adoption is growing within organizations, both more broadly and deeply, according to the 12th annual State of Agile report from CollabNet VersionOne. A higher percentage of respondents this year report that "all or almost all" of their teams are agile, and that agile principles and practices are being adopted at higher levels in the organization ...

August 09, 2018

For the past 13 years, the Ponemon Institute has examined the cost associated with data breaches of less than 100,000 records, finding that the costs have steadily risen over the course of the study. The average cost of a data breach was $3.86 million in the 2018 study, compared to $3.50 million in 2014 – representing nearly 10 percent net increase over the past 5 years of the study ...

August 08, 2018

Hidden costs in data breaches – such as lost business, negative impact on reputation and employee time spent on recovery – are difficult and expensive to manage, according to the 2018 Cost of a Data Breach Study, sponsored by IBM Security and conducted by Ponemon Institute. The study found that the average cost of a data breach globally is $3.86 million ...

July 26, 2018

Organizations are shifting away from traditional, monolithic architectures, with three-quarters of survey respondents delivering at least some of their applications and more than one-third delivering most of their applications as microservices, according to the State of DevOps Observability Report from Scalyr ...

July 19, 2018

Despite 95 percent of CIOs expecting cyberthreats to increase over the next three years, only 65 percent of their organizations currently have a cybersecurity expert, according to a survey from Gartner. The survey also reveals that skills challenges continue to plague organizations that undergo digitalization, with digital security staffing shortages considered a top inhibitor to innovation ...

June 28, 2018

More than a third of companies that use serverless functions are not employing any application security best practices and are not using any tools or standard security methodologies to secure them, according to the State of Serverless Security survey, conducted by PureSec ...

June 27, 2018

The popularity of social media platforms and applications is spurring enterprises to adopt "social business" models to better engage with employees and customers and improve collaboration, according to a new study published by ISG ...

June 20, 2018

The larger the company size, the higher the proportion of low IT performers, according to the State of DevOps: Market Segmentation Report from Puppet, based on the 2017 State of DevOps Survey data ...

June 18, 2018

An overwhelming 83 percent of respondents have concerns about deploying traditional firewalls in the cloud, according to Firewalls and the Cloud, a survey conducted by Barracuda Networks...

May 31, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 5, the last installment, offers some final thoughts about "tools" that are not necessarily technology ...

May 29, 2018

DEVOPSdigest asked experts from across the IT industry for their opinions on the top tools to support DevSecOps. Part 4 covers code and data ...


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