Feature Articles

October 13, 2015

The far-reaching technology-driven transformation that Gartner, Inc. defines as the "programmable economy" has the potential to disrupt virtually every facet of the global economy. The programmable economy represents a massive technology-enabled transformation of traditional concepts of value exchange, empowering individuals and smart machines to both define value and determine how it is exchanged ...

September 30, 2015

The software-defined data center (SDDC) is crucial to the long-term evolution of an agile digital business according to Gartner, Inc. It is not, however, the right choice for all IT organizations currently ...

July 01, 2015

CIOs are under pressure to support fast-evolving digital business scenarios but are finding traditional project and development methods unsuitable, according to Gartner, Inc. Enterprises are increasingly turning to agile development to speed up projects and illustrate their value ...

April 23, 2015

Infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders planning a bimodal IT strategy will miss out on the benefits of DevOps support for agile practices unless they transform their I&O culture, according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that the implementation of a bimodal IT strategy requires careful planning and execution. Analysts predict that, by 2018, three quarters of enterprise IT organizations will have tried to create a bimodal capability, but that less than 50 percent of those will reap the benefits of improved agility and risk management. The following five-step approach will help I&O leaders achieve an agile I&O culture ...

April 02, 2015
Kemal Balioglu

Doing the same thing again and again but expecting different results might be the basis for insanity. But in the case of disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS), it pays to be repetitive. DRaaS or cloud-based DR strategies are now making data and system recovery plans far less complicated and highly efficient for businesses. With some DRaaS solutions, there is also computing capacity on standby to recover applications if there is a disaster. This can be easily tested without impacting the production servers or unsettling the daily business routine. But despite being able to re-think their DR plans in the cloud and make them so much easier, companies often overlook how DR testing can create IT value even in the absence of downtime, including saving time and money on application development and testing ...

March 31, 2015

Yoram Mizrachi, CTO of Perfecto Mobile talks about the DevOps and Continuous Quality in mobile development ...

March 30, 2015

Yoram Mizrachi, CTO of Perfecto Mobile talks about the challenges of mobile development ...

March 09, 2015

Although DevOps emphasizes people (and culture) over tools and processes, implementation utilizes technology. As a result, Gartner, Inc. expects strong growth opportunities for DevOps toolsets, with the total for DevOps tools reaching $2.3 billion in 2015, up 21.1 percent from $1.9 billion in 2014. By 2016, DevOps will evolve from a niche strategy employed by large cloud providers to a mainstream strategy employed by 25 percent of Global 2000 organizations ...

February 13, 2015

APMdigest asked experts from across APM and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. This final set of six recommendations covers topics including the development environment and deployment ...

February 12, 2015

APMdigest asked experts from across APM and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. The second set of six recommendations includes testing and analytics ...

February 11, 2015

Ensuring application performance is not just about IT operations. Prior to app rollout, the role of development and DevOps teams, and even IT Operations, in preventing application performance problems cannot be underestimated. But how do these diverse teams accomplish this goal? How do they prevent – or even identify – application performance issues before the app is even in production? With these questions in mind, APMdigest asked experts from across Application Performance Management (APM) and related markets for their recommendations on the best ways to ensure application performance before app rollout. This extensive list includes processes, approaches and tools to consider.

APMdigest presents the 18 recommendations in three parts, with six categories presented each day. The first six recommendations presented here start out with development's performance basics including DevOps and APM ...

August 20, 2014

The traditional methods used to define and develop desktop applications will not work with mobile application development (AD), according to Gartner, Inc. Gartner said that as demand from business units in enterprises puts increasing pressure on IT organizations to deliver large numbers of mobile applications, AD teams will have to to employ practices that are different from traditional AD ...

February 13, 2014
Gregory Mooney

How high are mobile user's expectations? According to this new SmartBear research, 50% of mobile consumers will delete a mobile app after encountering a single bug. One bug could lose a customer forever – and maybe a few of their friends! More than a third of consumers will report a bug on a public forum, to the app provider or to their peers. For app developers and testers, this is a dangerous statistic ...

October 10, 2013
Shridhar Mittal

Today’s mobile-connected consumers have more power of choice than ever before and a digital loudspeaker with which to make their voices heard. And they have four big demands: newer, faster, cheaper, and better. For these reasons, application development is at the core of delivering the kind of enhanced customer experience and brand loyalty that can set a business apart from the competition and increase sales ...

May 21, 2013
Sasha Gilenson

DevOps emerged as a philosophy for bridging the gap between operations and development silos, where each focused on different priorities, using different processes and tools. This article will focus on some key challenges existing in the DevOps approach — challenges that leave operations to wade through overwhelming amounts of operational data — and how new analytics-based tools stand to provide insight into meaningful information, ultimately closing this gap, and putting development and operations into better synch ...

March 12, 2013
Gary Jackson

For many of us in the application or software development industry, APM was supposed to be a magic bullet, a way to catch the occasional unforeseen mistake that slipped through to production releases. In reality, even with APM tools reporting production issues, there has been no discernable increase in the quality of applications delivered ...

August 10, 2012
Paul Muller

There are probably more myths and misunderstandings about the term DevOps than there are hard facts. I recently sat down with Gene Kim and Patrick Debois - two of the DevOps movement's most widely practiced individuals - to cut through the noise. We swapped experiences and discussed how a CIO should be thinking about DevOps, when to consider a DevOps approach, the business case for adopting it, patterns of success and patterns of failure. We agreed that there are three general attributes that provide a good indication that DevOps might help your organization ...

December 15, 2011
David Hurwitz

Instead of throwing applications “over the fence” blindly to operations, a fluid and much more effective DevOps process inserts transparency, efficiency and ownership into the art of developing, releasing and the production use of critical applications. It also binds the two traditionally siloed teams together. The following are six critical steps IT can take to improve DevOps collaboration and ultimately the business bottom line, profitability ...


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