April 17, 2017
Mike Cuppett
Author of "DevOps, DBAs, and DbaaS"

Although DBAs fortunately have the rare ability to bridge the gap between development and operations, they have been detrimentally overlooked in many companies that deploy DevOps practices. A DBA's ability to interrogate code and construct a resilient, well–performing database environment uniquely defines the capabilities needed for DevOps – leaving me perplexed about why DBAs were not one of the first operations team members asked to join the DevOps movement ...

February 28, 2017
Anthony James
Linux Academy

The growing micro certification trend is driven predominantly by industries such as IT and cybersecurity that have a workforce skills gap where jobs can’t be filled because of a lack of qualified applicants. Those who pursue micro certifications are usually non-traditional students already working but looking to advance in or switch careers. Micro certifications also benefit the unemployed who are seeking skill development and job opportunities ...

February 21, 2017
Pete Goldin

The stakes are high for preventing security compromises: 72.7 percent of companies have a custom application that, if it were to experience downtime, would significantly impact the organization’s ability to operate, according to the Custom Applications and IaaS Report 2017 ...

January 25, 2017
Pete Goldin

DevOps is moving into the mainstream, according to a new survey conducted by Redgate Software. Nearly half (47 percent) of companies surveyed have already adopted DevOps across some or all of their IT projects ...

November 18, 2016
Tom Wade
Gallop Solutions

As the integration of Development and Operations gains traction among business think tanks to ensure development of quality software products and faster delivery schedules, Quality Assurance (QA) takes center stage. In DevOps QA, developers and testers use agile and lean methodologies to test software for glitches during various stages of its development. As a real test environment with a number of dependencies is difficult to be created owing to cost and other factors, service virtualization strategy helps to set up a virtual test environment to check for desired outcomes of the software or the lack of them ...

November 16, 2016
Jeanne Morain
iSpeak Cloud

The success of DevOps depends on both the cultural shift around people and process as well as the technical implementation skills of the team across Dev and Ops. In the final post of this 3-part series, I will focus on the top 5 technology implementation mistakes ...

November 09, 2016
Jeanne Morain
iSpeak Cloud

DevOps implementations can be hindered by lack of involvement from both the business and technology leadership as the team initiates and creates the new DevOps culture. In Part 2 of the 3-part series on Challenges and Solutions for implementing DevOps, I will focus on technology leadership challenges and suggested solutions ...

November 04, 2016
Jeanne Morain
iSpeak Cloud

DevOps is a powerful process that can catapult industry leaders into the next stratosphere of transformation success when combined with the right people, process, and technology. The converse is also true. Applying DevOps principles of agility, continuous integration and delivery without addressing broken processes, gaps in skillsets or technology – is a recipe for disaster. This 3 part blog series will focus on the people and process challenges that impact DevOps implementations across 3 areas – Business, Technology Leadership, and Technology Execution based on my research for my latest book, iSpeak Cloud: Embracing Digital Transformation. This first blog will focus on the Business & Technology interaction ....

September 12, 2016
Pete Goldin

APMdigest - DEVOPSdigest's partner site - has launched a new content-rich section of the site called APM Academy, sponsored by CA Technologies ...

September 09, 2016
Gene Kim
Co-Author of The Phoenix Project

We recently had speakers and alumni of the DevOps Enterprise Summit share their best practices on a live video chat. You can watch the video replay of our chat below to hear some interesting insights related to middle management, a sneak peek at the presenter's upcoming their reflections on the DevOps Enterprise community, and their favorite resources for continued learning ...

September 02, 2016
Mark Heistek

To transform towards a DevOps organization you need to cover all DevOps "muscle groups". Let's dive into these groups ...

August 31, 2016
Mark Heistek

DevOps means a mindset of getting better at getting better. You need to get better to fulfill customer needs, and therefore you need to get interested in what your customer wants and make sure the feedback loop will be as short as possible. How do you reach the state of "get better at getting better"? ...

August 29, 2016
Mark Heistek

When I was an active football player one summer I wanted to do extra training. I skipped the leg training, because I did some running as well, but the trainer said "never skip a leg day". What does this have to do with DevOps? ...

August 17, 2016
David Robinson
Amsource Technology

The rapid growth of DevOps has resulted in huge demand for skilled DevOps professionals. As companies work smarter and introduce new technology, they’re increasingly looking for people who can enhance their technical capacities and drive development efficiencies in the process. But what skills do you need to succeed in the world of DevOps? ...

August 05, 2016
Malia Powers

VisionMobile has just released its new State of The Developer Nation Report for Q3 2016 based on the world's largest survey of software developers. This quarter’s report delves into the key developer trends for 2016 and discusses mobile platforms, desktop platforms, server side languages, IoT markets, and the adoption of emerging technologies. Here are a few highlights from the report ...


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