In Part 7 of this series, the experts discuss the maturity of AI and try to answer the question: Is AI mature enough to actually write code? ...
In Part 6 of this series, the experts warn of the security risks associated with using AI to help develop software ...
In Part 5 of this series, the experts warn of even more limitations, challenges and risks associated with using AI to help develop software, including bias, hallucinations and more ...
In Part 4 of this series, the experts warn of the many limitations, challenges and risks associated with using AI to help develop software ...
Part 3 of this series covers advantages gained by using AI tools in software development from productivity and innovation to quality and user experience ...
Part 2 of this series covers more processes that can be supported or improved by AI, including security, testing, deployment, documentation and more ...
Today we could be witnessing the dawn of a new age in software development, transformed by Artificial Intelligence (AI). But is AI a gateway or a precipice? Is AI in software development transformative, just the latest helpful tool, or a bunch of hype? ... To help with this assessment, DEVOPSdigest invited experts across the industry to comment on how AI can support the SDLC ... In this epic multi-part series to be posted over the next several weeks, DEVOPSdigest will explore the advantages and disadvantages; the current state of maturity and adoption; and how AI will impact the processes, the developers, and the future of software development ...
Open-source software has injected fun and excitement into the lives of IT professionals and technology hobbyists alike ... Unsurprisingly, open-source software's lineage is complex ... A single open-source project may have thousands of lines of code from hundreds of authors which can make line-by-line code analysis impractical and may result in vulnerabilities slipping through the cracks ...
It's likely you've heard of the Rat Pack. Decades later, along came the Brat Pack. And today, there's the Threat Pack. While they might not be making headlines on stage or on screen, this dubious group of leaders is making headlines in other ways, most recently as part of the Cloud Security Alliance's Top Threats to Cloud Computing 2024 ...
In this modern era of technology, financial institutions are engaged in an ongoing struggle against cyber threats ... Implementing stringent security protocols is imperative as online financial transactions continue to surge. DevOps merges software development and IT operations to enhance the assurance and agility of financial services ...
Employment for software roles is projected to grow 25% from 2022 to 2032, meaning new opportunities are on the horizon. To increase their odds in a highly competitive job market, aspiring software developers must understand exactly what employers are looking for in candidates ...
The Crowdstrike outage has created no shortage of commentary, speculation, and armchair analysis on exactly how such a massive failure could occur. The level of discussion and scrutiny is warranted, most agree this is probably the largest IT outage in history ... The knee jerk response of a "How could someone possibly let this happen" is both clueless and misinformed ...
The process of implementing DevOps starts with a solid roadmap — a plan for DevOps transformation that is compatible with the company's goals. Businesses needing corporate DevOps transformation services often consult experts for specific advice and assistance. These offerings include a thorough DevOps approach that lays out the future while considering the organization's particular requirements and challenges ...
To discuss the role of AI in software architecture, we have to think about the whole process, not just code generation or creating documentation like architectural diagrams. We all know that AI has gotten quite good at generating code. There are people experimenting with using AI to UML and C4 diagrams. AI will definitely play a role here. But I don't expect AI to have much of an impact on the rest of the process, which involves understanding and negotiating all of those human issues ...