As organizations seek to better embed security into DevOps and Agile software development, they're going to need to find better ways of scaling security knowledge across cross-functional teams. Everyone needs to chip in, and the only way they can do that is if companies properly train members of cross-functional teams on what it means to deploy secure software ...
As organizations seek to better embed security into DevOps and Agile software development, they're going to need to find better ways of scaling security knowledge across cross-functional teams. From developers to DevOps engineers to site reliability specialists to database professionals, everyone needs to understand how security considerations impact the risk of the overall IT ecosystem they operate within, and how these security concerns should shape the work they do day in and out. Here are five ways to accomplish that ...
While DevOps is by now a well-established philosophy, practice and tool for boosting an organization's ability to rapidly deliver services and applications, one overriding DevOps myth still prevents many organizations from maximizing the value their teams are able to deliver. That myth? That DevOps will fix your Dev culture ...
DevOps can shape the way teams work in a powerful way. It requires total collaboration and efficiency, and that can mean a lot of changes and tweaks to the way certain teams currently work. For example, how does the culture of DevOps change the behaviors and processes of the average QA team? Let's look at how QA Leads, QA Managers, and QA engineers themselves can leverage the DevOps mentality to increase the quality and fast-track the deployment of each release ...
In order to embrace agile with all your heart and soul you need to first understand how can you build an agile culture? Adopting and building a sustainable agile culture could be one of the trickiest tasks. In addition, it would require you to modify the current processes and get used to the new ones ...
EMA analysts teamed up to explore DevOps realities from multiple dimensions. One of the primary goals was to learn what's true beyond the hype in terms of how DevOps initiatives succeed or fail, who's really involved and why, what activities, best practices, toolsets and technologies are most likely to bring success, and what are the impacts of trends such as cloud, microservices, digital and transformation. We learned a great deal and look forward to sharing many of the highlights with you ...
While DevOps has gained traction and attention of the decision-makers, implementation of automation remains inconsistent. From a bitter experience, organizations have now started to realize that without automation, DevOps is meaningless, inefficient, and extremely difficult to harness ...
Whether you're at the beginning or in the midst of trying to bring about change, one of the most significant challenges I've seen for agile teams is dealing with a product owner who doesn't fill all the roles that a product owner is expected to play. Here are some best practices for becoming a better product owner ..
In the coming weeks, EMA will be gathering data on what we believe is a unique research topic — approaching DevOps initiatives from the perspectives of all key constituents. We're doing this to try to break through some of the "false walls" created by more niche, market-defined insights, or some of our industry hyperbole. Here are some of the directions we're pursuing ...
It is refreshing to see that analysts, bloggers and many of the vendors are finally catching up to what the Digital Transformation Strategists have known for nearly a decade — Cloud is not always cheaper. In my books, I touch upon the 5 Phases and identifying the total costs that will impact an application workload. When you are looking to migrate to Cloud it is important to view it from a business — not just a technologist — perspective. When you evaluate the various tools, ask yourself if they do the same ...
To better align business and IT objectives, enterprise organizations should focus on the core "problems" that individual business units face today in driving out real consumer value. Until the roadblocks and inhibitors — and, ultimately, the resultant technical debt — are removed from the equation, large enterprise organizations will continue struggling to succeed ...
Technical debt is what results when legacy platforms or highly integrated and dependent systems and processes inhibit large enterprise organizations from meeting the needs of internal business stakeholders. In many cases, the core objectives that drive real, monetizable business value are not aligned to the esoteric IT goals of "automation" and "Agile development." This creates a fundamental disconnect between business and IT ...
Organizations with established DevSecOps programs and practices greatly outperform their peers in how quickly they address flaws. The most active DevSecOps programs fix flaws more than 11.5 times faster than the typical organization, due to ongoing security checks during continuous delivery of software builds, largely the result of increased code scanning, according the latest State of Software Security (SOSS) report from CA Veracode ..